reflections:0) of the last year! Happy B-day to me!...:0)
Wow has it been a Big interesting, exciting and scary year for us and our family. We started out the year with our oldest (21) niece my sis’s oldest having thyroid cancer surgery on New Years Eve she heeled really well from surgery but, had to wait a few months for the treatment. In March we lost our wee wee dog Ruger he was 14yrs old he lived a good long life with us and traveling the western states with us. Then my beloved had his birthday and our niece started treatment for the cancer at the end of April and she also opened her own hair salon in there some where. The hardest part of the treatment might have been having to be away from everyone but, mostly her being away from her husband and baby (1) for a week because of the treatment. We took out our front yard with a sod cutter what fun that was to run really. My beloved was rolling the yard cart out to the curb stepped off it wrong went down and twisted his ankle. Ouch!
We made plans for a road trip in May to TX and NV. We spent a week in TX we got there very late on mothers day I wanted to be there to tell my grandmother happy mothers day in person she had moved there the year before. We spent a very relaxing week with her and my aunt who she had gone to live with. Then on the way home we stopped in NV for our annual family vacation with beloveds brother and sister in-law. While in NV I won my first ever hand pay jackpot I won 4,526 dollars it was so supper exciting we had not been there very long and it was my second twenty dollar bill. We put most of it in the savings account and had great plans for it. It helped pay for the road trip first and for most then we got patio furniture for the back yard and a small set for the front porch too. The rest was to help us put in the new front yard it never happened, while there beloved and his brother did some golfing they both lost a few balls and while looking for them beloved went down and twisted the same ankle and was put in a walking boot.
Before our trip I had redone my work schedule to watch my sisters youngest (9) three days a week at the end of June my sister went to HI with her husband and youngest and we house and dog sat for them. That same weekend I walked in the Relay For Life with there oldest I raised 195 dollars, I walked for my niece and in memory of my mother in-law and grandmother in-law. We also got two new kittens two weeks before that. I was having a great summer as was my beloved I was watching my sisters youngest we did shopping for meals and I helped her learn to cook and cut up veggies and fruit trays we played board games, Wii, side walk chalk and bubbles.
Beloved tried to take a physical fitness test at work went down on the other ankle and out it went. Ouch! We had the bad one splinted before the test and we should have done both maybe.
Along came July and we had our 17th anniversary on the 17th. Wow! Where does the time go? We spent the day together and that after noon went to my sisters Bar-B-Q and bon fire it was a great deal of fun. Then Aug started I was feeling slow and run down and told my beloved we needed a stay-cation at home a few days off for just the two of us but before we could make plans for it I got a bad headache over my right eye in the eyebrow area. My beloved said I should lay down take a nap and maybe it would help so I did and the next thing I really and truly knew it was mid. Aug and I was waking up in a hospital. I came to find out I had taken that nap sat up while having that nap screamed laid back down and went into a full on seizure my first ever. My beloved called the EMS I remember talking with them a bit and them walking me to the hallway of our home to the gurney and then little bits and piece of the next few days until I woke in another hospital 30 min away. The first hospital here in town sent me home twice in one day after giving me a CT scan and telling my beloved I needed to see my primary care physician and have a MRI why they did not give me one we will never know they also put me on anti seizure meds. The next day I went to my PCP she told us that they seen something in the CT scan and that it could be like a freckle some people have them and some do not at which time I said I did not feel well and she and my beloved laid me back on the table in the room. My beloved says I walked out of there on my own and that night we went back to the ER in town I recall being scared thinking I was losing my mind and crying; my beloved’s brother and wife went with us by the time we got there 15 min away I did not know whom I was my sis and niece meet us there. That night my beloved, my sister and niece took me to the hospital 30 min away my sis and niece were afraid I was dyeing, they had tried to go home before taking me in but, they got to the car and broke down crying and came back in and got us Thank goodness.
That hospital figured out what was wrong with me and saved my life. I was sick super sick they found a hole in my upper sinuses some how the bone had eroded and a small piece of brain had entered into it I also had inflammation on the brain all that was the cause of the headache and the seizures and you could see it all in the very first CT scan from the other hospital. I was put on heavy IV antibiotics in an IV and then an IV PICC line was put into my upper right forearm because the stuff was burning my veins I could feel it as I was coming around. I was let out of the hospital a few days later but, we had to go back every day for IV therapy for a month before they could do surgery to fix the hole in my head. My surgery was set for the 28th of Sep at the university, the local surgeon said he would rather I go up there because he was trained at a different time and they would handle my brain a lot less and we would hopeful have a better out come and I total respect him for that. I ended up having a Bifrontal Craniotomy Exenteration of the frontal sinus with obliteration of the frontal nasal ducts. What this really means in lay terms is that they did a bucket cut of the skin and then cut a hole in my skull, took that small piece of brain out, patched the hole in the brain sack, removed my upper sinuses, and replaced the skull piece put in plates and few screws. So, yes, I may now have a screw loose. Hehehehe
The surgeon did an awesome job because; I am still here and getting better ever day I am now a proud brain surgery survivor. It is a good thing I won that money because I can not work right now and it has gone to hospital bills and I can not drive a car state law says that you can not drive a car for at least six months after a seizure. I have a really cool scare that goes over the top of my head from one ear to the other now like a little girl hair band look; it is a badge of honor as I lived through this ordeal.
I have good days and bad days and poor beloved has to deal with them all along with my sister they are the two that have hardly left my side through this whole thing. I have had panic attacks and a hard time sleeping at first after I came home from the second hospital I was afraid I would lay down and never wake up again after what the first hospital did. I have gotten help from a psychologist it is PTSD she has been great at helping deal with all of this stress.
We also lost one of our dear friends, an uncle, that dear friends mom; and also one of the new kittens this year.
This has made me closer to my sister she is awesome she has sat with me held my hand given me a shower while I was sick, given me a shoulder to cry on, a swift kick on the backside when I needed it as well as so very much love....
We also found out that our niece still has cancer so now we wait to see what can be done.
Well, I told you our year had been Big interesting, exciting and scary.
I am just happy to be here and to have another birthday so Happy birthday to me!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Saturday, December 18, 2010
I can not believe it is almost Xmas.
Wow! This year seems to have spun by for us I mean really since Aug. it has really slipped by. Looking back I can see how fast it went but, as it was going by it seemed to go really slow and drag on for all of us in the family or maybe it was just me. I am so happy to feel a little better each and every day some days are better than others but, truthfully I will take a bad day over never having another day to say I love you to my loved ones... I am so very thankful this year for everything and everyone that is in my life...
We put up a small tree in the kitchen one reason I think the new kitty that in no longer a baby would be naughty if we did the big one in the living room so, we will take temptation away from her and not put the big one up this year. I totally love Christmas I always have as a small child I thought people decorated for my birthday. LOL So then when I got older, married and a house of our own the decor was for both for me.
I have a few gifts to go wrap up so I must go for now take care all...
We put up a small tree in the kitchen one reason I think the new kitty that in no longer a baby would be naughty if we did the big one in the living room so, we will take temptation away from her and not put the big one up this year. I totally love Christmas I always have as a small child I thought people decorated for my birthday. LOL So then when I got older, married and a house of our own the decor was for both for me.
I have a few gifts to go wrap up so I must go for now take care all...
Monday, November 29, 2010
Late with this post
I am a few days late with this post. I am so very, very thankful to be alive and to enjoy yet another day no matter how hard it is to get through I am learning to be thankful for the little things each and every day.
Thanksgiving was a blessed day we spent it with my sis, brother in law, youngest niece (9), older niece (21) her husband, baby (2) and sis's in laws it was great to be together and enjoy the day. We went around the room playing the alphabet game and said what we were thankful for this year. There was a lot of good ones I happened to have the letter R and if you know me I mean really know me you know that my real first name starts with R as well as my online name reflections:0) I said I was thankful for me and the youngest niece said you can not do that be thankful for you and I told her yes I could because I was very thankful to be alive and doing well and to be sharing this day with her and the rest of the family.
Thank you for stopping by, reflections:0)
Thanksgiving was a blessed day we spent it with my sis, brother in law, youngest niece (9), older niece (21) her husband, baby (2) and sis's in laws it was great to be together and enjoy the day. We went around the room playing the alphabet game and said what we were thankful for this year. There was a lot of good ones I happened to have the letter R and if you know me I mean really know me you know that my real first name starts with R as well as my online name reflections:0) I said I was thankful for me and the youngest niece said you can not do that be thankful for you and I told her yes I could because I was very thankful to be alive and doing well and to be sharing this day with her and the rest of the family.
Thank you for stopping by, reflections:0)
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Getting better one step at a time...:0)
Same old same old... Getting better one day at a time and feeling it too which is really nice went to therapy the other day and it helped a ton to talk to someone not involved in my life that can lay it all down at night and go on with there life and I do not have to worry that I am bring them on this roller coaster ride with me. Really each day is getting better!... She helped me put a lot of things to rest and gave me a lot to think about as well and retrain myself to think in a new way...:0)
Have a grand one all!
Have a grand one all!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
T-Shirt funny !
That T-shirt the oldest niece got me is a hoot it says... Two more holes in my head and i'd be a bowling ball. It has a pic of a person like what you see on a bathroom door with a hole in there head and below it says (proud brain surgery surviour)
She is a funny girl just like her aunty....
She is a funny girl just like her aunty....
Doing okay!
Thank you for asking how I am it means the world to me...:0)
I have been doing as well as I can be I ran a fever a few days in a row and the doc. kinda was worried but, we can not find the cause of it and it has gone away now.
I have had a few panic attacks and worried myself sick about sleeping at night because, this all started when I laid down with a headache to being with. It really sucks to be so upset and cry and freak my poor beloved out I am going to get help from a psychologist I have a apt. set up for the fourth I hate to be weak or seem weak but, missing a whole week of my life and waking up not know why I am in the hospital really has thrown me for a loop. It shook me to my core so to speak I knew I needed help before surgery and even told my beloved I did there was just a lot going on with IV/PICC line therapy every day that there was really no time for it before the surgery.
I have had help before 13 yrs ago for post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from abuse I had as a kid I got better then and I know I can get better now it is just a matter of time and finding the right way to deal with the stress of this new trauma.
P.S. one of my sweet kittens passed away while I was staying with my sis on the 10th. freak accident beloved found her and placed in the back yard we will miss her. We lost the long haired one named Sahara.
I have been doing as well as I can be I ran a fever a few days in a row and the doc. kinda was worried but, we can not find the cause of it and it has gone away now.
I have had a few panic attacks and worried myself sick about sleeping at night because, this all started when I laid down with a headache to being with. It really sucks to be so upset and cry and freak my poor beloved out I am going to get help from a psychologist I have a apt. set up for the fourth I hate to be weak or seem weak but, missing a whole week of my life and waking up not know why I am in the hospital really has thrown me for a loop. It shook me to my core so to speak I knew I needed help before surgery and even told my beloved I did there was just a lot going on with IV/PICC line therapy every day that there was really no time for it before the surgery.
I have had help before 13 yrs ago for post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from abuse I had as a kid I got better then and I know I can get better now it is just a matter of time and finding the right way to deal with the stress of this new trauma.
P.S. one of my sweet kittens passed away while I was staying with my sis on the 10th. freak accident beloved found her and placed in the back yard we will miss her. We lost the long haired one named Sahara.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
I got home on Sat. the 2nd they let me out early because I am doing well... Feel pretty dang good I even did 9 laps around the hospital ward the day before I went home and that is almost a mile not bad. No, I did not do them all at once but, I did them and that is what counts also I have only taken half the pain meds every time because, I do not feel like I need any more than that the pain is not that bad at all or, I am as tough as nails most likely both....:0) My sis took photos but I will spare you all that I have a cut/stitches from ear to ear up over the top of my head...
TY, Flexie:0)
TY, Flexie:0)
Monday, September 27, 2010
See you soon!
I have to leave really early in the morning for my surgery so I will blog again as soon as I can A few days from now....
Hearts on!....
Thank you all for the well wishes...:0)
Hearts on!....
Thank you all for the well wishes...:0)
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Just two more days until I have my head fixed yippee... It has been a long wait but, along the way I learned a lot about myself and that going through all this has caused me to have panic attacks some really bad ones I have never had them before now and what they are caused from, it is all the stress of the first few days not knowing what was wrong with me and the first three hospital doc's just sending me away only doing the bare minimum. And me coming in and out of a state of awareness there were times when I talked to my family and friends and said things and do not remember any of it at all.....
My husband and sister and oldest niece have been a great help and an awesome support system through this whole thing... TY:0) Don't know what I would have done without you all your the best ever....
I can not wait to see the T-shirt you bought me Lil mama I am sure it is funny (after surgery I know) and thank you for the forever heart tat you got it makes your auntie smile...:0)
Have a grand one!
Thanx for stopping by, Flexie:0)
My husband and sister and oldest niece have been a great help and an awesome support system through this whole thing... TY:0) Don't know what I would have done without you all your the best ever....
I can not wait to see the T-shirt you bought me Lil mama I am sure it is funny (after surgery I know) and thank you for the forever heart tat you got it makes your auntie smile...:0)
Have a grand one!
Thanx for stopping by, Flexie:0)
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Hello all!
Feeling the crunch it is six days until my brain surgery I have my normal every day moments and then I have the blue ones too the meds make me emotional some days as well as other things. I really have to remember I am a fighter and I have gotten back to life from deaths door in less than a month that not bad because I will keep fighting. There are many whom live with only half a brain and they are just fine and I am only loosing a small part of mine and a patch and a titanium plate and I will have a few down days and then be as good as new... Live, Laugh, Love that is what I like to say.
It also sounds like the scar will be hid and really I do not care I will wear it with honor knowing that I have lived and come out they other side. Scar's are just like photo's they are just something you pick up or, take along the way that you can look at from time to time and remember the good times as well as the not so good times and the most challenging times as well.
I am asking all that want to show there support for me to wear a heart on Tuesday the 28th so I can feel your love and support pulling me through this. I do not care if it is a sticker, drawn on you, a piece of jewelery or, clothing just wear a heart for me that day if you can. My engagement/wedding ring happens to have a heart shaped diamond by the way and I have big heart in a loving way.
Thank you everyone, Flexie:0)
P.S. you do not have to be a blogger member to leave me a message you can do it anonymously just check that spot and you are good to go...:0)
It also sounds like the scar will be hid and really I do not care I will wear it with honor knowing that I have lived and come out they other side. Scar's are just like photo's they are just something you pick up or, take along the way that you can look at from time to time and remember the good times as well as the not so good times and the most challenging times as well.
I am asking all that want to show there support for me to wear a heart on Tuesday the 28th so I can feel your love and support pulling me through this. I do not care if it is a sticker, drawn on you, a piece of jewelery or, clothing just wear a heart for me that day if you can. My engagement/wedding ring happens to have a heart shaped diamond by the way and I have big heart in a loving way.
Thank you everyone, Flexie:0)
P.S. you do not have to be a blogger member to leave me a message you can do it anonymously just check that spot and you are good to go...:0)
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Seven! 7 thats lucky right!
Seven that is how many days until surgery almost there and then I can be on the mend and back at doing all the things that I love the most. Okay well there maybe a few days of down time but, not many I hope.
I really miss working and spending time with my sis and her family I love being at there place and working for them but, most of all I love seeing her and the kids well, mostly just the one now because the oldest got married, moved out, had a baby and grew up! Oh and I love seeing BIL as well I mean he once told me "You are my favorite SIL and if I had been out looking for SIL'S and not a wife I would have still picked you" He also had his arm around me when he said this and may have had a drink as well ;0) LOL I am not sure how to take that one I am his only SIL but, I guess he loves me too we have always liked to tease each other just a bit but, he really is a great guy and I mean it.
I really lucked out in the BIL department I got two really great ones and one awesome sister and one awesome SIL as well as her family that loves me and my beloved as if we where there own flesh and blood you can not get much luckier than that.
I also have a wonderful Pop (father) that lives many states away an much more family there that loves me as well. I have a great lil brother that is serving our country in the A.F. over in Turkey I believe if he has not been moved again and someday who knows maybe he will fall in love as well and then we can add more to this family only time will tell.
And there is my grandmother that I love and my aunt too that she lives with as well that we went to see this spring we really had a great time driving out to see them and then back to vacation in NV. with BIL and SIL before coming back home.
Oh, I also won a nice jackpot while in N.V. it paid for the trip as well as the medical bills that we are getting in now, it was my first hand pay and I was so excited. Even though it was to be used for the front yard, craft room re-do and a new computer as well as a few other small things. Life is much more important than those things any day so, I choose life. This money will not cover it all but, it is a nice start.
To top it all off I have great friends that are there to wish me well also Thank you all.
Have a grand one all!
I really miss working and spending time with my sis and her family I love being at there place and working for them but, most of all I love seeing her and the kids well, mostly just the one now because the oldest got married, moved out, had a baby and grew up! Oh and I love seeing BIL as well I mean he once told me "You are my favorite SIL and if I had been out looking for SIL'S and not a wife I would have still picked you" He also had his arm around me when he said this and may have had a drink as well ;0) LOL I am not sure how to take that one I am his only SIL but, I guess he loves me too we have always liked to tease each other just a bit but, he really is a great guy and I mean it.
I really lucked out in the BIL department I got two really great ones and one awesome sister and one awesome SIL as well as her family that loves me and my beloved as if we where there own flesh and blood you can not get much luckier than that.
I also have a wonderful Pop (father) that lives many states away an much more family there that loves me as well. I have a great lil brother that is serving our country in the A.F. over in Turkey I believe if he has not been moved again and someday who knows maybe he will fall in love as well and then we can add more to this family only time will tell.
And there is my grandmother that I love and my aunt too that she lives with as well that we went to see this spring we really had a great time driving out to see them and then back to vacation in NV. with BIL and SIL before coming back home.
Oh, I also won a nice jackpot while in N.V. it paid for the trip as well as the medical bills that we are getting in now, it was my first hand pay and I was so excited. Even though it was to be used for the front yard, craft room re-do and a new computer as well as a few other small things. Life is much more important than those things any day so, I choose life. This money will not cover it all but, it is a nice start.
To top it all off I have great friends that are there to wish me well also Thank you all.
Have a grand one all!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Hi, and thank you!
I have had some lovely visits, cards, calls, E-mails and text's from family and friend so, thank you all very much each day has been a little bit better some more than others.
Now that they have lowered some of the med's as well as taken out the PICC line for the I.V. drug, I am starting to feel a little more like the real me.
The computer does make me sick from time to time and I only have a few min. to blog before I feel icky so, this will be simple and sweet.
I had pre-opp on Fri. and they are going to do my surgery the 28th of this month I will be in the hospital for 3-5 days ICU at first and then they will move me to a regular room. I will blog more as soon as I feel up to it again.
Thank you again, Flexie:0)
Now that they have lowered some of the med's as well as taken out the PICC line for the I.V. drug, I am starting to feel a little more like the real me.
The computer does make me sick from time to time and I only have a few min. to blog before I feel icky so, this will be simple and sweet.
I had pre-opp on Fri. and they are going to do my surgery the 28th of this month I will be in the hospital for 3-5 days ICU at first and then they will move me to a regular room. I will blog more as soon as I feel up to it again.
Thank you again, Flexie:0)
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
What is going on!
It is really hard to miss one whole week of your life... Sun. I had to go back to the ER, the good ER I was not feeling right they think I was having a reaction to the med's or, maybe it is just nerves I mean hello I almost died an I am NOT sleeping well at all. I am afraid to go to sleep and never wake up again... I do feel better today and over the weekend we had a really nice bar be que at my SIL and BIL's house and they asked my sis and her family as well as my niece and her family this has really pulled the people I love the most together. as well as my SIL niece and husband I think of her as my other niece as well as my SIL's mum and pops thats what i call them with much love...
My BIL said I did not have to do anything this drastic to get them all together or, to lose more weight...LOL hehehehe
Another day of getting juiced at the I.V. therapy in a bit through my PICC line and again the next day plus a neurologist apt. Thurs. and a neurosurgeon apt and juicing Fri.... Then we will find out when they will do my surgery to fix the whole in my skull that my sinuous made when it blew and I got meningitis.What I would not give to get a good or, great nights sleep an no heart burn....
I need all this like I need another whole in my head....hehehehehehe
I hope you all have a grand one! {{{{HUGZ}}}} to all that need them...
I keep my name private and always have if you know me you know why please respect that....:0)
My BIL said I did not have to do anything this drastic to get them all together or, to lose more weight...LOL hehehehe
Another day of getting juiced at the I.V. therapy in a bit through my PICC line and again the next day plus a neurologist apt. Thurs. and a neurosurgeon apt and juicing Fri.... Then we will find out when they will do my surgery to fix the whole in my skull that my sinuous made when it blew and I got meningitis.What I would not give to get a good or, great nights sleep an no heart burn....
I need all this like I need another whole in my head....hehehehehehe
I hope you all have a grand one! {{{{HUGZ}}}} to all that need them...
I keep my name private and always have if you know me you know why please respect that....:0)
Friday, August 27, 2010
one more day an feeling a little better!....
reflections is part of my husbands business name so it will get here for those wanting my snail mail for cards....
I know the more I think about the three different DR.'s sent me home from the E.R. and my own DR. the madder it makes me... If not for my husband and older sis I would have died they got mad and just kept trying to take me back and gave up and took me 30 min.'s away just trying to get help for me.
The one E.R. DR. told my beloved that they treat the symptom not the cause. Well, hello dumb, dumb that is what almost killed me a simple MRI being ordered sooner would have found that I had inflammation on the brain caused by a sinus infection... :whistle:
Thank you, everyone I only write once or, twice a day on-line because I am so tired so please forgive me if you get a personal message from me or, read my blog and it is the same as my daily post...
Sending my T&P and great BIG {{{{HUGZ}}}} to all those that need them...have a grand one all!...
I wish my hurtburn would go away the I.V. PICC line drugs make it really bad even with OTC heartburn drugs... And I need one more drug added to the line up like I need another whole in my head....hehehehehehe
I know the more I think about the three different DR.'s sent me home from the E.R. and my own DR. the madder it makes me... If not for my husband and older sis I would have died they got mad and just kept trying to take me back and gave up and took me 30 min.'s away just trying to get help for me.
The one E.R. DR. told my beloved that they treat the symptom not the cause. Well, hello dumb, dumb that is what almost killed me a simple MRI being ordered sooner would have found that I had inflammation on the brain caused by a sinus infection... :whistle:
Thank you, everyone I only write once or, twice a day on-line because I am so tired so please forgive me if you get a personal message from me or, read my blog and it is the same as my daily post...
Sending my T&P and great BIG {{{{HUGZ}}}} to all those that need them...have a grand one all!...
I wish my hurtburn would go away the I.V. PICC line drugs make it really bad even with OTC heartburn drugs... And I need one more drug added to the line up like I need another whole in my head....hehehehehehe
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Thankful for Thursday.
I am totally thankful for the day.... :embarrass:
Still having a hard time sleeping through the night but, I will take a restless night over never having another one any day... Feeling better just wish that the I.V.'s where done with as well as the surgery I do not wait well I think it is the OCD...LOL
Have a grand one all!
Still having a hard time sleeping through the night but, I will take a restless night over never having another one any day... Feeling better just wish that the I.V.'s where done with as well as the surgery I do not wait well I think it is the OCD...LOL
Have a grand one all!
A post last night before bed on my favorite site...
Just pooped in before bed and yes those new kittens are good to nap with and in the hospital my sisters youngest gave me her frog that is the big TY beany baby frog. Frog, frog has made me feel better....
Sandy has my addy if you would like it.... T & P's are welcomed.... every day I feel better but, the I.V. therapy is hard on my body in many ways....
I thank god for my husband and my sister for taking great care of me.... The local hospital sent me home three times and said nothing could be done for me they did not know or, check into my sinuous they thought I was just having seizure's... They really messed up.... They took me 30 Min's away an that hospital saved my life....
Sandy has my addy if you would like it.... T & P's are welcomed.... every day I feel better but, the I.V. therapy is hard on my body in many ways....
I thank god for my husband and my sister for taking great care of me.... The local hospital sent me home three times and said nothing could be done for me they did not know or, check into my sinuous they thought I was just having seizure's... They really messed up.... They took me 30 Min's away an that hospital saved my life....
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Happy to be alive!
I am sick still.... I almost died this last week an when I feel stronger I will blog more but, for now this will have to do... I spent almost a week in an out of the hospital an do not remember much of it... On the mend now but, still feeling slow and needed a ton of sleep as well as daily I.V. therapy...
Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers as I still have to have surgery...
Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers as I still have to have surgery...
Saturday, July 3, 2010
New Kittens!
Meet The new girls in your life... They are sisters litter mates the tabby is a bit smaller than the tortie and the tortie takes great advantage of the fact that she can thump her little sister and make her scream... LOL It reminds me of my older sister and I when we were young. Only I was the bigger one body size wise and I still got thumped by my older sis...LOL
This is Sierra a tabby.....
Named for the Sierra Mt.'s because, she likes to be up high.
This Sahara a Tortie & white....

TY for looking, reflections:0)
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Please if you find time cheer me on....
I will be walking tomorrow with my niece and other family and friends in the Relay for Life in our next little town over. As most of you know my sisters oldest girl has been battling Thyroid cancer this last year and we are all walking with her and her family... She is doing really well she had treatment in April, she says that she is feeling well. I got to watch her little sweetheart yesterday for a few hours while she was at her salon and daddy was finishing classes for the day then he came an got her... Oh my is she smart and growing up fast she is almost 2 now....
Well, I have my walking shoes an snacks packed. I am going to try and stay on the track as much as I can, I will let you know how I do.... I did raise 195 dollars thank you to those how helped me out for a great cause....:0))))
I will even try and get a new photo of our little baby kittens (2 girls sisters) we got last week, in the next week they are supper cute and fun to watch play. TY, Dr. Sarah for finding them for us...
TY, reflections:0)
Well, I have my walking shoes an snacks packed. I am going to try and stay on the track as much as I can, I will let you know how I do.... I did raise 195 dollars thank you to those how helped me out for a great cause....:0))))
I will even try and get a new photo of our little baby kittens (2 girls sisters) we got last week, in the next week they are supper cute and fun to watch play. TY, Dr. Sarah for finding them for us...
TY, reflections:0)
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Beautiful Blogger Award!

Here are the rules. You need to say something nice about the person who gave you the award, copy and paste, share a few little personal details about yourself, and pass it on. You are suppose to share ten things people don't already know about you and pass this award to ten other bloggers. Here I go
( some of these were hard to write )
1) I am very happily married to my best friend. Did you know that we met in an archery store. I worked in an archery store as a teenager that sold archery equipment and had indoor archery lanes to shoot on at targets. Kinda like bowling....
2) My friend that sent this said she did not get her license until 18 yrs. old but, I did not get my driver's license until I was 20 yrs old. No one wanted to take the time to teach me but, my husband did and I am a rather good driver because of him. And the funny thing is I had a car by 16 yrs old that I bought and paid for and everyone else drove. Gggrrrr
3) I would love to travel outside the US. Go to an see things around the world I can not pinpoint one thing I would just love to go, go, go...
4) I have a blind spot in my (R) eye and they have no idea what caused it. I have had many tests to see why. It does not hurt at all, they call it AIBSE (acute idiopathic blind spot enlargement). With my (L) eye closed sitting here I can see only half the screen and then my sight picks up and I can see part of the edge of the desk an on to the corner of the room.
5) I would love to get another pet but, I really am not sure I am ready for a dog or, a cat at this time maybe some day soon... My beloved is the cat guy...
6) I have always battled with my weight my whole life. These last almost two years have been the best for me on that front. I have lost weight and kept it off. I like walking on the treadmill and never thought that I would like working out. TY, sis. for helping me stick to it an for spoiling me with new clothes.
7) I love to ride roller coasters an I have talked my beloved into going on a few with me. Speed the ride in Las Vegas is a blast if you have never been on it.
8) I started out as a rubber stamper and then became a scrapbooker. And I love to stamp still.
9) I have always wanted kids (our kids) and it really hurts that I can not have them like most couples do. I mean really hurts down deep inside so much so that it is hard for me to be around babies and to hold them an to smile and act like nothing is wrong. To know that I will never have that.
We have had treatment's for this. This is the one thing that is the hardest for me to talk about with anyone, even my beloved. I do not think he will ever really know nor should he know how bad it hurts me to not be able to give him a child.
10) I was a CNA before I started my house keeping business. I loved working in the hospitals more than at nursing homes only because, in the nursing home you tend to bond to people and it is hard when they pass on...
Here are my ten bloggers that deserve this award:
Linda ( but she sent it to me )
Linda, has become a really good online friend whom I would love to meet some day. TY:0) Stacy (she got it from Linda too)
Any this one goes out to all that read my blog....
Update on my niece.
This is my niece that has cancer not my sister, my sister is her mom.
My niece is doing well, she is feeling a little icky and thinks it maybe a cold. She is staying in the RV in my sisters in the driveway because, of the radioactive iodine she of course can not be around anyone. I know she misses her husband and baby. But, my sis. her mom is taking food and movies out to the RV for her and she took her some cold meds as well. Poor kid I hope that she does not have a cold on top of being alone for cancer treatment that would suck but, I would bet she will get all the rest she needs to get over it faster. We went over there last night to visit with my sis and her husband and when we left we flashed our head lights at the RV and she raised the blinds and waved at us. I smiled and waved back and blew kisses to her.
Thank you, for the well wishes...
My niece is doing well, she is feeling a little icky and thinks it maybe a cold. She is staying in the RV in my sisters in the driveway because, of the radioactive iodine she of course can not be around anyone. I know she misses her husband and baby. But, my sis. her mom is taking food and movies out to the RV for her and she took her some cold meds as well. Poor kid I hope that she does not have a cold on top of being alone for cancer treatment that would suck but, I would bet she will get all the rest she needs to get over it faster. We went over there last night to visit with my sis and her husband and when we left we flashed our head lights at the RV and she raised the blinds and waved at us. I smiled and waved back and blew kisses to her.
Thank you, for the well wishes...
Friday, April 30, 2010
Today is the day...
My sister took her oldest to the hospital for her radioactive iodine this morning and I am waiting to hear how things are going.... She will beat this cancer she has too because, she has so much more to give this world, things that she has not been able to do in the first 21 yrs. of life...
Little Mama you are in both mine and your uncles hearts at this time... LUV U! Luv your aunty..
I have called my niece Little Mama from the time I found out she was going to have her sweet little baby...
Little Mama you are in both mine and your uncles hearts at this time... LUV U! Luv your aunty..
I have called my niece Little Mama from the time I found out she was going to have her sweet little baby...
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Nothing crafty...
I have been working on a few washer necklaces for my sis. but, other than that nothing crafty going on around here... Still working on re-doing my craft room...
I did rework my clients this last week for the summer that way I can take care of my sisters youngest, an from time to time my older niece will bring the baby by as well... Well, She has gotten big I mean really she is one and half now... I look forward to spending time with both of the little ladies... My youngest niece will keep me doing things all summer long crafts, outdoor sidewalk chalk, bubbles, the swings, rolling on the hill, Littlest Pet shop (she likes that I make voice's for the animals) along with reading, movies and I am sure the wii and the air hockey and pool table will get used as well... I try to keep her busy all day long so, that she does not get the I have nothing to do thing going on... And the baby well she will learn the fine art of sidewalk chalk and playing with bubbles an maybe we can teach her to roll down the hill this summer...
My sisters oldest started her treatment for cancer this week the shots and the radioactive iodine. She is so strong that you would not know that she has gone through all this in the last few months... She is a great mom and a good wife. She has even opened her own hair salon in the last few months talk about keeping busy... YGG
Well, she is in our hearts and on our minds this week as she under takes this...
In June I will be doing the relay for life with friends and family I look forward to it... I walk in Honor of my niece and in Memory of my mother in-law and grand mother in-law...
Take care all, reflections:0)
I did rework my clients this last week for the summer that way I can take care of my sisters youngest, an from time to time my older niece will bring the baby by as well... Well, She has gotten big I mean really she is one and half now... I look forward to spending time with both of the little ladies... My youngest niece will keep me doing things all summer long crafts, outdoor sidewalk chalk, bubbles, the swings, rolling on the hill, Littlest Pet shop (she likes that I make voice's for the animals) along with reading, movies and I am sure the wii and the air hockey and pool table will get used as well... I try to keep her busy all day long so, that she does not get the I have nothing to do thing going on... And the baby well she will learn the fine art of sidewalk chalk and playing with bubbles an maybe we can teach her to roll down the hill this summer...
My sisters oldest started her treatment for cancer this week the shots and the radioactive iodine. She is so strong that you would not know that she has gone through all this in the last few months... She is a great mom and a good wife. She has even opened her own hair salon in the last few months talk about keeping busy... YGG
Well, she is in our hearts and on our minds this week as she under takes this...
In June I will be doing the relay for life with friends and family I look forward to it... I walk in Honor of my niece and in Memory of my mother in-law and grand mother in-law...
Take care all, reflections:0)
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
A sad day the 15th of March! :,0(


He was a great dog and he had a great life here with us. He lived to be fourteen years three months an 12 days old, that is not to bad for a dog that's back went out when he was just bit over five years old....
This was the best four legged friend that I could have asked for... He hung out at night with me when my beloved worked the night shift and he went on long walks with us around the neighborhood as well as at the beach.
He love to go any place that we went and he did Vegas, AZ., UT., WA., ID. an right on down to Mexico's boarder.. You name it an he went with us on any road trip he has been to place that others would love to go to.... For the first year he thought he was part cat and would sleep with beloveds now gone cats on the back of the sofa...:0) Then he got sister and she was part Mastiff and German Shepherd and he learned from her want it was like to be a dog... She knew all the ins and outs about being a dog she had be our friends dog and when they move to NY we adopted her from them (she has been gone for years now)...
We had to keep an eye on him or, he would open any gifts under the tree at christmas....
He loved to sleep under his blanket (Blues clues blanket) in a little oval bed in the kitchen... I mean really you did not think he would want to miss a meal even though he did not get people food often unless it was ice cubes, apple, carrots or, popcorn those where his people treats... He did this way supper cute dance when I made popcorn and I would toss handfuls of it in the air and sing It's raining popcorn Hallelujah! It's raining popcorn amen.... He would run around the kitchen floor and eat every last bit of it up...
I can say that this year the tomato plants will be safe for the first time in years... He would pick them off and eat them he did find out that he did not like green ones....
The truth of it is I do not think he knew he was a dog... Good bye my sweet little friend....
I will truly miss my little four legger!....

Monday, January 18, 2010
Pretties~ Washer pendents that I have been making....:0)))
The E.T. works just fine over the D.G. if you want to glitter them or, have some that are already done with D.G. you can recoat them with out any problems....
Step one raid beloveds washers...LOL Or, buy them...:0(
Step two Wipe them down with rubbing alcohol to get all oils off them...
Step three either use A.I's or, paper. For A.I.'s I put one color at a time on and blew on them to dry them some times they will spread out on there own and others not so much so you can use a tooth pick or pricing tool to move the inks around.
Paper if used... I was able to find two punches that are very close to the size I needed and used them to cut the paper first. For paper you use E6000 to glue it down to the washer then let dry and stamp on it, sand off the over hang (I had a little over hang) I used a nail file, a sanding block and beloveds files ....
Step four Stamp on it if you want to I used StazOn because I knew that the top coat would not blur it... Also a few I metal stamped on the backs of them words... Again I raid beloved metal stamps and had to have him do the stamping...
Step five if you want glitter use a thin coat of D.G. and glitter it while wet then let dry...
Step six Seal it with medium of your choice, place washers on wax paper if using E.T. I read that in the tips sheet that came with it...



The E.T. works just fine over the D.G. if you want to glitter them or, have some that are already done with D.G. you can recoat them with out any problems....
Step one raid beloveds washers...LOL Or, buy them...:0(
Step two Wipe them down with rubbing alcohol to get all oils off them...
Step three either use A.I's or, paper. For A.I.'s I put one color at a time on and blew on them to dry them some times they will spread out on there own and others not so much so you can use a tooth pick or pricing tool to move the inks around.
Paper if used... I was able to find two punches that are very close to the size I needed and used them to cut the paper first. For paper you use E6000 to glue it down to the washer then let dry and stamp on it, sand off the over hang (I had a little over hang) I used a nail file, a sanding block and beloveds files ....
Step four Stamp on it if you want to I used StazOn because I knew that the top coat would not blur it... Also a few I metal stamped on the backs of them words... Again I raid beloved metal stamps and had to have him do the stamping...
Step five if you want glitter use a thin coat of D.G. and glitter it while wet then let dry...
Step six Seal it with medium of your choice, place washers on wax paper if using E.T. I read that in the tips sheet that came with it...




Here are a few maybe helpful post I made on another site....
I used the D.G. when I made mine... Sorry, no photo's yet.... I glazed them like when you frost cookies, out line the inner circle and then the outer and flood the center part and let them dry.... Hope that helps...I also glazed, glittered let dry and reglazed a few of mine they are very pretty this way too....I did them with paper on one side alcohol inks (A.I.) on the other and some that are A.I. on both sides... I used stazon and a stamp too...And got my niece into making them to she even bought A.I.'s...:0) hehehehe I may have gotten to her an made a crafter after all.... And both of yours are awesome....
If you do paper on one side and A.I.'s on the other do the A.I. side first made the mistake of doing the paper first on one and the A.I. went over the inner edge and got under the glaze and into the paper.... I still liked it for myself anyway... Also found out with diamond glaze that if you heat it with the embossing gun you can strip the ones you do not like after they have been glazed an dried...:0) It does get really hot so be very careful I used a poker to strip the bubbling glaze off...I have been using rounded leather string and slip beads for the cording not going out and buying clasps trying to use what I have... And my BIL wears these necklaces from Hawaii that have a carved hook and slip beads on them to adjust the length once you slip it over your head so I went with that idea and loved it... I am thinking of get some rat tail cording and doing the slip beads still...
Well, after a trip out side from just door to door with the washer pendent on it got all milky-ish and ugly so I went to the store to find something that could stand up better to the rainy weather... Okay, had to switch to using a two part epoxy because, we live in the Great North West and it rains a lot.... I am using EnviroTex Lite and will post photos as soon as they are dry and I can handle them they have a longer dry time then D.G. and cure time is 72hrs....
I stopped using the D.G. as the final coat and went with a two part epoxy EnviroTex Lite because, the D.G. did not stand up well to perfume, sweat or, rain water when worn they got all milky looking :0(.... I think M.P. would be like D.G. so as long as you kept them dry they would be fine... Mine are made using A.I.'s (Alcohol Inks) and stamping over the top of it with StazOn...
A.I.'s ~Alcohol Inks
D.G. ~ Diamond Glaze
E.T. ~ EnviroTex Lite
M.P. ~ Mod Podge
I hope this helps....
Saturday, January 2, 2010
What were have I been?
These last few months have been up and down, round and round.... I mean it really, my beloved went on a trip to Vegas with his brother and friends for the sema convention and to the drag races... I stayed home worked and helped my sis with her Halloween party it was all great fun...
Then Thanks Giving came along fast and things got crazy at work everyone wants a clean home for all the holidays so into over time I went... We had a awesome Thanks Giving at my sisters in-laws and we no sooner turned around and it was Christmas.... What?...
Christmas Eve was spent with my beloveds brother and his wife... Christmas day was spent having great fun at my sis's house with her family relaxing, playing games, opening gifts, and eating yummy food...
An some where along the way we found out the our wonderful beloved oldest niece (20) my sis's oldest had thyroid cancer and had to go in on New Years Eve for surgery to remove it along with some lymph nodes... We spent the day at the hospital I mean really were else would we be... When you are not blessed with your own kid'os those are your kids the ones your siblings have....
She is home now with her husband and baby girl healing until they start the next round of treatment to treat this... And as her uncle (my beloved) has told me from the day we found out what it was "she will be fine you just wait and see"... You see I love this kid and her little sis so very much.... This is the little girl that I watched after school for a few years an then spent many of summer days with looking after her when she was younger...
And now I do those things with her sis too...
I had birthday in there too some place...
Thank you for stopping by I hope to get some crafty stuff up on here soon....
Happy New Year everyone....
Then Thanks Giving came along fast and things got crazy at work everyone wants a clean home for all the holidays so into over time I went... We had a awesome Thanks Giving at my sisters in-laws and we no sooner turned around and it was Christmas.... What?...
Christmas Eve was spent with my beloveds brother and his wife... Christmas day was spent having great fun at my sis's house with her family relaxing, playing games, opening gifts, and eating yummy food...
An some where along the way we found out the our wonderful beloved oldest niece (20) my sis's oldest had thyroid cancer and had to go in on New Years Eve for surgery to remove it along with some lymph nodes... We spent the day at the hospital I mean really were else would we be... When you are not blessed with your own kid'os those are your kids the ones your siblings have....
She is home now with her husband and baby girl healing until they start the next round of treatment to treat this... And as her uncle (my beloved) has told me from the day we found out what it was "she will be fine you just wait and see"... You see I love this kid and her little sis so very much.... This is the little girl that I watched after school for a few years an then spent many of summer days with looking after her when she was younger...
And now I do those things with her sis too...
I had birthday in there too some place...
Thank you for stopping by I hope to get some crafty stuff up on here soon....
Happy New Year everyone....
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