Grandma is doing great!....:0)
They had her a little longer in surgery than they said but, the doc. said it all went great... She has to stay for a bit but, they took her off her blood thinners so, we knew she would have to before we went in... She will then go home to the loving arms of my aunt that is here from Texas for a few weeks... Gram will eat up the fact that her youngest girl is home and waiting to take care of her and make sure she does well...
She has always been my soft place to fall... When I was a kid I spent a lot of time with her my home life was not the best and gram did not know just how bad it was but, she always knew I needed her and was there any time I needed her... She is still young 75 almost 76 and has a good life but, my aunt worries about her because, gram uses a walker from a bad accident many years ago and she would like her to move to TX. with her so, she can take care of her full time... Gram is thinking about it, I hope she does whatever is right for her.... It is high time she thinks about her self... And I will be happy with whatever she wants... And it is not as if I could not send for her or, go see her too....:0)
If you can keep her in your heart at this time that would be great thank you!...